Tuesday, April 24, 2012

This is the End, but also a new Beginning

Hello Everyone!
Well, I am "home" and have been since Friday evening. I can't say how much I am enjoying the beautiful Texas spring weather: blue skies, sunshine, and more butterflies than I can count! The flight home was a bit stressful. While waiting for my flight, I got a migraine. When I get migraines, I am sensitive to light, sound, and of course my head pounds painfully. Thankful ly, I was able to nap a bit before my flight, and the medicine I had took the worst of the pain away. The flight, while ten hours long, went by quickly in retrospect. They fed me more food than I needed, and gave me drinks every hour or two. The worst part was when I knew I had less than an hour left on the plane: I started fidgeting, rejoicing, even sweating. I think the Norwegians next to me thought I was panicked about the impending landing. No, I was merely ecstatic to have returned to the United States of America. Because of my foot, I was greeted with a wheelchair, and made it through customs and border control in 30 minutes. My reunion with my Mom was incredibly joyful. Yes, I cried! I just couldn't believe I was finally home.
I am making a transition from living in England to moving out of my home in Texas! Everything is happening so fast. My Mom and I have been packing up this week. My two brother came this weekend to see me and help out as well, because she is moving too! This weekend, I will be living in Temple, and my permanent address won't be here in Weatherford anymore. It's a bittersweet thought. But I am ready to move on into a new chapter of my life.
I got my foot checked out today, and the orthopedist told me that while I do have a Jones fracture, it is healing and I should be back to normal soon, and able to begin running again at the beginning of June! So that is good news! I'm in a walking boot, which means.... NO CRUTCHES!!!
I start back to my job as a secretary on Monday as well!
All in all, life is going well. It has its genuine ups and downs, and is by no means perfect. But I just have to come to the daily realization that God has it in control, and He is my provider in every circumstance.

Because I am now home, no longer in London, that means that this blog will now be coming to a close. I've enjoyed writing my experiences down for everyone who requested to be kept in the loop on my life and experiences abroad. Isn't technology cool?
But this doesn't have to be goodbye for those who actually like reading the things I have to say! If you head on over to Finding Andalusiayou can keep up with me there. That is my "regular" blog where I post, well, non-study-abroad related things. I hope you keep on reading my writing!
Again, it's been a pleasure. I hope you enjoyed!


1 comment:

  1. Glad you got home safely, though I'm sorry to hear about the migraine! Hope the moving and transitioning is going well for you and your family, and that you are enjoying life without crutches!
