Monday, January 30, 2012

Post V

I am currently waiting for my laundry to finish. I was almost out of socks and underpants, so I coughed up the 5 pounds and did a load of laundry. Ouch. Living in a hostel has it's highs and lows. I do miss my living arrangements back in the states. I shall especially be glad to see my full-size bed and pillow again! 
On Saturday our group took a day trip out to Kent, to Dover and Canterbury. Here are some pictures: 
Dover Castle

On the beach of Dover with the castle behind me

 A moat! So cool.

The view of Dover from the gate of the castle.

Canterbury Cathedral.

 Stained glass that is 1000 years old.

Dover was sunny and cold, Canterbury was cloudy and cold. It was very nice to get out of the city for the day and enjoy another part of England. I didn't get to go inside the medieval castle, so I am thinking about taking a day trip up to Dover again so I can do that! I got my fill of the Cathedral while we were there. Very beautiful, and very old!
Classes are in full swing, and today was extremely busy. We toured the Tower of London with our British tour guide. We saw the crown jewels, the royal armory, torture chamber, Bloody Tower, and the places where people where executed. I've decided that the worst way to die would be to have my head removed by a "Jack Ketch," which is what they called the executioners. They were notorious for being terrible executioners. There was one specific person, the Duke of Monmouth, whose head was still not removed after four swings. So the executioner used the ax as a SAW and finished the job! Disgusting... The idea that people enjoyed going to executions just boggles my mind. Completely inhuman. Anne Boleyn, however, requested specifically for a French swordsman to be her executioner. He took her head off in one clean swing. Much better? I think yes.
I have lots of homework to do for class, which includes reading and essay writing. Tomorrow, I have an official "day off" but I am going to go the the Natural History Museum in the morning with the Natural History class. I'm not in that class, but we are welcome to go to sessions and outings if we like. 
Anyway, hope you all enjoy the pictures! Forgive the hastily and poorly written nature of this post. I shall redeem myself tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Im so proud of you! You are so adventuresome and trusting in God to take care of you. You have already been somewhere in England I didn't go (yet) - Dover. I hope you try some good English ales before you come home, and know I love you and pray for you daily. Dad
